My Practices

Rome wasn't built in a day, and it can't be visited in a day either. The journey towards oneself, begun through the sessions, continues in your life.

Give yourself time to know and understand yourself.

Perception Coaching

I began developing it during my coaching training in 2011. I have enriched it with various trainings and personal practices I have undertaken in recent years, including qigong, writing, bioenergetic lithotherapy, and dream study.

One could say that the human being has three main components: the emotional part, which concerns your communication with yourself, your intuition; the intellectual part, which concerns your thoughts, beliefs, your worldview; the action part, which concerns your body, what you do, and how you do it. These components are not isolated and all function in interaction.

If they are in harmony, you have a clear and precise vision of your choices and the direction you want to take, and you are not surprised by the obstacles you encounter on the road.

If they are not in harmony, and you focus only on one or two of them, you have an inaccurate and erroneous idea of what is happening, you do not see your choices clearly, and it is more than likely that you will not see the wall before you run into it.

Through unified listening and the cultivation of presence in the moment, you are seen and heard. This allows you to highlight the shadow or unnoticed areas, as well as the habits and beliefs that create conflicts, frustration with yourself and others, and separation from yourself.

If the session framework encourages a meeting with yourself, the bonding continues and the relationship is cultivated outside, when you are at home or outside, with your friends, colleagues, with your partner or children, in nature… every moment this encounter is possible and presents itself in multiple ways.


Upcoming new fabulous experience!

Dream Coaching

Dreams are communications with that inner part of ourselves. I offer sessions to explore dream analysis differently in relation to your life and according to your personal goals (self-knowledge, creativity).

Learning a New Language

In this space, you will learn to create a bridge between your outer world and your inner world. You will familiarize yourself with your personal language and take a step back to see the connections between different dreams, life events, your questions, and your desires.

The bridge is two-way, and you can intentionally nourish your inner world to influence the direction of your dream exploration.

Different tools are available to help you: dream journal, incubation…

Finding Meaning

Most people don’t learn a new language in two days, or even in a week. It takes time and a certain level of personal investment. The same is true for dreams. The sessions provide you with direction and show you how you can go further, but most of the work is done at home, while you sleep, being curious about your dreams.

Just as sentences have a richer meaning than the words that compose them, the symbols in your dreams cannot be taken in isolation to find their meaning. Our inner world has great creativity and knows how to use wordplay or puzzles. You won’t find these in dream dictionaries, which often compile interpretations from cultures and traditions different from our own.

It is with time, practice, and genuine interest that you will be able to fully enjoy the rich meanings that dreams offer you every night.

Usui Reiki

I began training in Usui Reiki in 2009. It is a holistic method where the practitioner channels the energy from the “universal source”. In 2019, I completed the Reiki Master training with Reiki France.

During my time in China from 2012 to 2017, I learned various forms of qigong and meditations at the Qigong Research Institute in Shanghai, which I still practice regularly.

Resolving Blockages

These various practices allow me to cultivate an energetic and bodily sensitivity to better target tensions and blockages, whether they are physical, emotional, or psychological.

The energetic approach enables working on the different layers of your issues, respecting your pace and what you are ready to consciously integrate.

Revitalizing Energy

Energy healing promotes relaxation of the body and mind to allow energy to regain its natural flow.

The energy then circulates throughout the body, bringing vitality and energy to the organs deeply, supporting our natural self-healing system.

Bioenergetic Lithotherapy

Bioenergetic lithotherapy uses the vibrational frequency of stones in resonance with our energy field and chakras.

Energy Field and Chakras

Chakras are the gateways through which our energy expresses itself in the world and through which we receive information through a continuous exchange. The energy they emit creates our energy field, which is our interface with the world, similar to our skin. Depending on the times in our lives and the challenges we face, energy can become blocked, deficient, or excessive in certain chakras. Stones can then help us to get it moving again, fluidify it, and balance it.

The Stones

Each type of stone has a chemical composition and a color that give it a specific vibrational frequency. This frequency can resonate with our energy field and particularly with certain chakras, promoting certain energy movements (expansion, grounding, opening to others, returning to oneself…) that we can use during sessions to facilitate the assimilation or expression of information, fluidify the energy, and promote a return to a state of balance.

Energy Journeys

For this, face-to-face sessions can provide the opportunity for an energy journey where listening to your bodily sensations comes into play. Using the specific frequencies of certain stones, we better target issues and find the most appropriate path to resolution for you.